Montag, 10. November 2008

Map graphics

Adjusted forest and minor rivers terrain features. The Main-Danube Canal is giving me some headaches. It is difficult to find out which parts of the Canal were already in use in 1989. It was only finished in 1992...


Analyzing and reformating the OOB's I have of the WP and NATO.
A lot of work has gone into detailing the combat strength of the ground units. The air units were a completely different case. I had more base data at hand but on the other side more different units. Ground troop units don't come in a large number (at the level of this game), but less unit data from previous games. So more work to calculate. I'm pretty happy with this first detailed approach to the ground troops strenghts. Playtestings will give ample opportunity for fine-tuning.

Samstag, 1. November 2008


Update of the project web-page:


Today added the Refugees rule. Refugees will be represented by markers on the map which hinder movement of both sides. They'll come in three sizes and are similar to interdiction.
NATO and WP underground armies rule has been added. Sabotage and guerilla warfare, again similar to interdiction.
Both rules add some complexity to the game, so they'll be optional rules.